Swiss watches Wenger

Every little kid dreams of their own watch when they see it around their granddad’s wrist. And when they finally grow up there’s just the final step. To choose the right one.

Everyone would like to own a „Swiss watch“. If you would so, Wenger Watch Company is just what you’re looking for. A tradional swiss manufacturer, mostly famous for it’s „Swiss Army knives“, begun with watchmaking in early 1990‘ Since fine knives are technically extremely difficult tools to make, it was quite usefull to invest the hundred-year-old experience in something eaqually demanding. Watches. Wenger Swiss watches.

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Nowadays Wenger presents a new collection every year and to it’s creation they have been approaching with the same philosophy as, over the last 100 years, to their knives. Quality, Durability, Multifunctionality and Funcionality in combination with temping design. That’s exactly what you find in every single Wenger product.

However, not only Outdoor and Military watches can be found in Wenger‘s catalogue. Women’s and Ladies‘ watches are represtented by the Ladies Sport series featuring over 15 models. Men can be a little bit happier as there’s more than 15 series of Men’s watches waiting just for them. One of the best selling models – Commando, or the newest make – LED Compass, combining an analog and LED dial.

Give it a chance and browse through our Watches section. I’m pretty sure something will catch your eye! ..exactly as it caught mine.

And if you are interested in other brands of watches, visit our e-shop